August Product Updates!

Welcome back Everyone,
August has been an important month here at Holistics and we are excited to share our updates this month! So cozy up and get ready to know more about the updates!
SFTP Export Schedules to send
Have you ever needed to backup your report to an SFTP server or deliver data regularly to your team’s servers? Now, with our new SFTP feature you can setup reports and dashboards to be sent straight to your SFTP folders, for daily data snapshots. Learn More
Import Google Analytics Data
With the help of Google Analytics Integration you can now import data from Google Analytics into your own database with Holistics. Importing Google Analytics Data now only takes two simple steps with our new integration feature.
To learn more click here and to read more about the benefits of Google Analytics Integration, do read our blog post here.
Supporting Hourly Schedules:
Our most loved feature has now been improved. Now, you can schedule downloads of reports and charts down to the precise minutes of an hour.
Conditional Formatting
Conditional Formatting allows you to highlights cells and rows that best fit your criterias. You can either format individual cell or an entire row. Learn more
Auto Preload your report
Does it take too much time for a report to be saved? Now you can auto preload your report to reduce waiting time with cache settings! Learn more.
To always stay up-to-date with our new product updates, make sure you are subscribed to our monthly newsletter. Click here to subscribe!
Also, we would highly appreciate if you could share your feedback about any of our exsisting or latest features in the description box below.
We’d love to hear them!
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