Business Metrics vs Customer Metrics
What are the typical metrics that you’d normally look at weekly? If you're like me (a startup founder), you …
What are the typical metrics that you’d normally look at weekly? If you're like me (a startup founder), you …
Google Data Studio (GDS) is among the popular BI tools in the market developed by Google. In this post, we're going to do a high-level review and analysis of Google Data Studio, what it does, what it excels at and who or what use cases it would suit best.
This is part two of the “Silos of Data Organization” series. Part one was sent out last week. For this one, let’ …
As a Data Analyst, you usually work with two types of stakeholders: the clients (business users) who ask for data, and the …
Have you ever played table tennis? Imagine you’re a recreational table tennis player. You’re not great, but you’re not …
A short story about my history with programmatic configuration (or lack thereof) and how it's related to analytics.
How a data person might fit into your company's learning cadence, and what that means for company performance.
Simple data people tricks, a hierarchy of feature stores, and Shreyas Doshi on product metrics.
How Amazon uses input metrics, a data pipeline is a materialized view, and the case against self-service data and analytics.