
Dashboards As Code

Build your Dashboards with the flexibility of a canvas. Use code to create and maintain them, leveraging version control, reusability, and more.

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Build dashboards flexibly, just like in a canvas

Freely arrange building blocks on a blank canvas to add business context, give explanations, structure an engaging narrative, and answer audience questions before they ask them.

Let AI help generate more insights

Build dashboards with simple prompts. Quickly get answers to your data questions with AI-suggested metrics and dimensions.

Design custom themes that reflect your branding

Set custom color palettes, typography styles, and consistent styling.

Create reusable themes that you can extend and build on, without starting from scratch.

Self-serve and interact with dashboards

Slice, dice, pivot your data, do free-style exploration to get insights with a familiar drag-and-drop interface.

Filter out irrelevant data, compare periods, drill through and down - all with just a few clicks.

Deliver dashboards to Slack, email and more

Generate password-protected shareable links for easy access to your insights. Send reports to your stakeholders without creating accounts.

Get the right insights to the right people at the right time.

Everything is saved as code

Use software engineering best practices for dashboard development.

Define reusable functions, govern with Git version control, perform code reviews and refactor at scale.

Better change management with Version Control

Know who changes what and when.

Review every update and undo any mistakes. Subject your dashboard to the same rigorous workflow as software engineering

Maintain with ease using Reusable Components

Parameterize your reporting widgets and dashboard components using variables, and reuse them anytime, anywhere.

No more manually recreating new dashboards for every new data request.

Benefits of As-Code Practices

Version control

All changes can be tracked, reviewed, and rolled back using Git.


Reuse as-code components or templates across multiple projects.


Automate deployments through CI/CD pipelines.


Fine-grained control over every aspect of the dashboards.


Multiple members can collaborate simultaneously using standard development practices.


As-code dashboards can adapt to changing parameter inputs and dynamic environments.

Because Data Team Is Not An IT Help Desk

Fewer ad-hoc data questions. Happier data teams. All starts with Holistics.